In a beautiful springtime, beside a clump of grass under a tree, there lived a black ant named A-yi. A-yi was one of the most diligent and adorable movers in this forest. One day, an elegant ladybug named Xiao-piao needed to move some large furniture in her home, so she sought A-yi’s help.
A-yi stood at Xiao-piao’s doorstep, carefully examining the furniture while pondering how to handle the moving process effectively.
On the side, A-yi held a tiny ant-sized phone and called his fellow movers. They enthusiastically agreed to come and assist.
A-yi and his team meticulously wrapped the furniture with bubble wrap, perfectly sized for ants. Xiao-piao clapped her hands in approval.
Struggling, A-yi and his team carried the large items up the stairs, sweating from their hard work, while Xiao-piao watched with concern.
The scene shifted to Xiao-piao’s new home, where she looked at the neatly arranged furniture. Touched, she hugged A-yi and expressed her gratitude. Xiao-piao decided to introduce this diligent and adorable mover to other forest residents, bringing more business to A-yi.
A-yi, from Ge Shang New Taipei Zhonghe Moving Company, exemplified hard work, care, and friendship during the moving process, leaving people feeling warm and joyful about their moving services
#七佛滅罪真言 #佛教 #消除業障 #真言 #大方等陀羅尼經 #佛門 #十小咒之一 #咒的功用 #消滅罪障 #平安吉祥 #事事順利 #造福後世 #Seven Buddhas’ mantra for eliminating sins #Buddhism #Elimination of karmic obstacles #Great Compassion Dharani Sutra #Buddhist teachings #One of the Ten Small Mantras #The function of mantras #Eliminating sin barriers #Peace and auspiciousness #Smoothness in all matters #Benefiting future generations #七佛
2019 Black Label Masterpiece IX 大馬士革玫瑰花胸針,則是Cindy難得的粉紅之作,3種顏色的鈦金屬勾勒出玫瑰綻放線條,鑲嵌粉紅剛玉、橘色剛玉與白鑽,輔以漆雕花蕊,立刻能感受到幸福的粉紅氛圍,此作品集CINDY CHAO特色於一身,包括從蠟雕開始設計、精準力學比例達到輕盈目的、注入油畫美學的漸層色寶石鑲嵌等,同時是Cindy最喜歡創作的胸針。
▲從2019 Black Label Masterpiece IX 大馬士革玫瑰花胸針的配色可見設計師Cindy的心境轉變。
新生代女星陳艾熙則認為尋找好內衣和減肥一樣,都是女生一輩子的難題,不停透過「Try and Error」找尋理想方式,「還好黛安芬內衣彷彿有讀心術,自在系列極輕量好感內衣使用了新科技縫合技術,完美解決過去脫下內衣胸圍一圈紅癢的問題,彈性罩杯能完整包覆,安全感很強之外也解決壓胸的問題,給我無痕舒適最大值。」